Do you want to sail the legend?
— Come learn and experience —
Your life will never be the same... CJ LEGEND is a ones in a lifetime experience.
Don't take our word for it, come sail with us and experience it all.
Weather with friends, family or maybe colleges that needs to experience
another kind of being... CJ will provide an experience extra ordinaire.
The Day Sail...
In a few hours you will get to know and sail the legendary CJ Legend.
We will tailor-make a day with adventure, great views, SPEED and a learning experience to last for years.
The Race...
Sailing fast is in CJ LEGEND DNA.
Winner of multiple races, known all over the world, and a head turner where ever she sails. Join us when we take up the challenges of the sailing world.
The Passage...
Every year sailboats migrate from the Med. to the Caribbean and back... We are there and we are fast... We do the Atlantic crossing in less than two weeks... Join us on one of our epic sails.